Locally-managed automatic monitoring

This network represents automatic monitoring from across the UK that is not part of Defra’s national monitoring strategy. These are sites operated in most cases by Local Authorities but may also include monitoring from other programmes, industry and airports. The location and purpose of these sites differs from the national network which is governed by strict rules of the air quality directives. As a result there is a broad range of site types, equipment and data quality practices.

These data are collected remotely from published web resources and data streams on a regular basis and are stored in this data warehouse as part of a Defra commitment under the Clean Air Strategy.

This is not a complete resource of all Local Authority monitoring in the UK. The data is held in a range of databases operated by different custodians and harvested from publicly available online resources or it is voluntarily provided to this website via a dedicated API.

Due to the nature of this arrangement it is impossible to fully represent the current status, data governance procedures or data quality in this website. Users are therefore encouraged to challenge, review and understand the data at its original published source for detailed site metadata and guidance on the QA procedures applied to assess the suitability and quality of the data.

Summary information is presented below for each group of monitoring sites including a link to the originating website and a link to the relevant QA/QC documentation where it exists. This can help provide confidence to the end user in the data quality for each source. Such documentation will be added as it is available and data providers are encouraged to provide this information (via the dedicated mailbox aqharvesting@ricardo.com).

To facilitate future locally-managed data sharing (even if there is no existing dedicated website resource) a dedicated API can be established from which data can be harvested. The documentation detailing the requirements for such an API is available here. Data originators intending to make their data available should create an API based on this specification and contact aqharvesting@ricardo.com when it is available for use, and any further guidance they should need.

The Monitoring Networks section of UK-AIR contains more information about this network, as well as other monitoring networks in the United Kingdom.

The summary of information harvested from the original data sources details below what locally managed automatic monitoring can now be accessed through UK-AIR, and includes data from historical sites and instruments no longer operating.

The Interactive Monitoring Networks Map only presents the locations of locally managed automatic monitoring sites which are still in operation.

Air Quality in Wales
This website provides information from the Welsh Government on air quality in Wales. This includes data from the regions automatic monitoring sites, air quality forecasts and educational packs for primary and secondary schools.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 9 01/01/1998 31/12/2012
PM10 43 01/01/1998 04/10/2024
NO2 42 26/06/1986 04/10/2024
O3 19 01/01/1998 04/10/2024
PM2.5 16 04/03/2003 04/10/2024
SO2 10 01/01/1998 04/10/2024

Air Quality in Scotland
This website provides information from the Scottish Government on air quality in Scotland. This includes data from the regions automatic monitoring sites and diffusion tubes, air quality forecasts, Know and Respond Alert Services and educational materials for schools.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 8 27/06/1973 05/04/2018
PM10 113 11/06/2003 04/10/2024
NO2 108 28/08/1979 04/10/2024
O3 3 08/05/1975 04/10/2024
PM2.5 76 11/04/2014 04/10/2024
SO2 21 07/09/1978 04/10/2024

Air Quality England
This website provides public access to air quality monitoring data and statistics collected by Ricardo for local authorities in England. The site complements resources available to local authorities via the Defra UKAIR web pages and LAQM TG 16 technical guidance.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 11 10/05/1998 04/10/2024
PM10 92 10/05/1998 04/10/2024
NO2 140 10/05/1998 04/10/2024
O3 19 01/07/1997 04/10/2024
PM2.5 36 01/03/2001 04/10/2024
SO2 23 10/05/1998 04/10/2024

Northern Ireland Air
This website provides information from DAERA on air quality in Northern Ireland. This includes data from the regions automatic monitoring sites, air quality forecasts, AirAware service, smartphone apps and educational materials for schools.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 43 01/01/1998 04/10/2024
NO2 24 01/04/2001 04/10/2024
PM2.5 5 01/12/2007 04/10/2024
SO2 21 01/04/2001 04/10/2024

Kent and Medway Air Quality
This is the Kent and Medway Air Quality Monitoring Network. The network is funded by the district and borough councils within the county, with an additional contribution from Kent County Council. The aims of the network are to promote the improvement of air quality within the region.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 3 09/01/1997 20/03/2014
PM10 21 04/01/1997 04/10/2024
NO2 36 29/04/1996 04/10/2024
O3 8 29/04/1996 15/04/2015
PM2.5 3 09/05/2018 04/10/2024
SO2 11 29/04/1996 26/01/2015

Air Quality in North Lincolnshire
This website provides information about air quality in North Lincolnshire. It aims to inform you about the causes of poor air quality and what is being done about it.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 1 06/06/2004 30/11/2005
PM10 24 01/03/2003 04/10/2024
NO2 7 01/03/2003 04/10/2024
PM2.5 11 28/05/2008 04/10/2024
SO2 3 01/03/2003 04/10/2024

Londonair is the website of the London Air Quality Network (LAQN), and shows air pollution in London and south east England. The website provides information for the public, for policy users, and for scientists. The LAQN was formed in 1993 to coordinate and improve air pollution monitoring in London.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 20 14/05/1993 04/10/2024
PM10 115 04/01/1994 04/10/2024
NO2 154 01/01/1993 04/10/2024
O3 35 04/01/1993 04/10/2024
PM2.5 24 09/09/1996 04/10/2024
SO2 32 01/03/1994 04/10/2024

Essex Air Quality Network
This website contains information about the activities and work undertaken by the Essex Air Quality Consortium (since 1995) and also provides a medium for delivering the latest information to the public.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 7 19/03/2000 04/10/2024
NO2 15 08/08/1995 04/10/2024
O3 2 08/04/2007 31/12/2011
PM2.5 1 02/06/2011 31/12/2011
SO2 3 29/05/1996 22/11/2014

Hampshire Air Quality Network
This is the entry page for air quality web pages created by Imperial College London for authorities in Hampshire. At present air quality information for three authorities (New Forest District Council, Rushmoor Borough Council and Southampton City Council) are available but it is hoped that this will expand in the near future. More air quality information may be available from each authority's own web pages.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 3 22/09/2007 02/01/2015
NO2 6 21/09/2007 04/10/2024
O3 2 21/09/2007 05/01/2015
SO2 1 01/09/2008 06/04/2010

Leicester Council AQ Network
Leicester meets all current national air quality objectives except for the annual mean for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) within our designated AQMA (see map linked above). We currently run five fixed automatic monitoring stations measuring pollutants: Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Particulate Matter 10 (PM10).
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 1 11/10/2013 04/10/2024
NO2 7 01/01/2013 04/10/2024

Sussex Air Quality Network
Sussex Air is a partnership of all the Local Authorities in Sussex. The purpose of the partnership is to:

  • Help Local Authorities to meet their statutory obligations to assess and report on local air quality.
  • Provide information to the public on air quality in their area.
  • Develop and deliver projects to improve local air quality and to reduce people's exposure to poor air quality.

QA details
Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 16 23/06/2002 08/07/2011
PM10 36 01/06/2000 04/10/2024
NO2 46 01/07/2001 04/10/2024
O3 27 11/01/2002 04/10/2024
PM2.5 3 01/06/2011 04/10/2024

Heathrow Airwatch
This website provides information about where air quality is measured around Heathrow and what the air quality levels are right now, and over the past week. There's also more general information about air quality, including an explanation of the terms used. This site has been funded by a joint working partnership consisting of the Heathrow Airport Ltd, London Boroughs of Hillingdon and Hounslow, Slough and Spelthorne Borough Councils and British Airways.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 1 29/08/2003 10/07/2007
PM10 27 16/11/1994 04/10/2024
NO2 26 01/01/1993 04/10/2024
O3 1 03/06/2000 04/10/2024
PM2.5 11 19/04/2002 04/10/2024
SO2 2 26/08/1999 04/10/2024

Wiltshire Air Quality
This website provides the latest data from air quality monitoring sites across Wiltshire. You can also sign-up for Know & Respond SMS or email alerts providing you with all you need to know about air pollution levels. Health advice is also available to help you take the right action if pollution levels become higher than normal.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 7 01/01/2014 04/10/2024
NO2 6 01/01/2014 04/10/2024
PM2.5 4 14/01/2015 04/10/2024

Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Air Quality Network
The Herts and Beds Air Quality Monitoring Network was formed in 1999 by all the district / borough councils in the two counties and ERG (Kings College London). Luton Airport also joined the network in 2003. The network was formed principally to collate and report air quality monitoring results from across the region. The network's aims are:

  • to provide the public with easy and free access to information about the quality of the air that they are breathing
  • to provide regular reports comparing air quality across the region
  • to assist in developing local and national strategies to improve air quality
  • to set up an archive of monitoring results
  • to ensure a consistently high standard of monitoring data across the region

QA details
Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 5 07/07/1996 04/10/2024
PM10 26 15/04/1996 04/10/2024
NO2 36 15/04/1996 04/10/2024
O3 13 15/04/1996 04/10/2024
PM2.5 12 01/01/2000 04/10/2024
SO2 6 07/07/1996 04/10/2024

UK Air Quality
This website provides public access to air quality monitoring data and statistics collected by Envitech and AQDM for local authorities in England and Northern Ireland.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
CO 1 10/07/2012 31/08/2014
PM10 12 01/01/2002 04/10/2024
NO2 32 01/01/2002 04/10/2024
PM2.5 3 01/01/2018 04/10/2024
SO2 1 10/07/2012 31/08/2014

Norfolk Air Quality
This website shows information about air quality in Norfolk. It is designed to provide real-time and historic air quality measurements, statistics, reports and background information. Visit the About Air Quality page to find out more about how the network is operated.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 9 01/06/2006 04/10/2024
NO2 3 06/02/2012 04/10/2024
PM2.5 6 15/05/2006 04/10/2024

Nottingham Air Quality
This website shows information about air quality in Nottingham City, Gedling Borough and Rushcliffe Borough Council areas. It is designed to provide real-time and historic air quality measurements, statistics, reports and background information. Visit the About Air Quality page to find out more about how the network is operated.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
NO2 6 02/04/2004 04/10/2024

Liverpool Air Quality
This website shows information about air quality in Liverpool. It is designed to provide real-time and historic air quality measurements, statistics, reports and background information. Visit the About Air Quality page to find out more about how the network is operated.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
NO2 5 17/08/2020 04/10/2024

Wolverhampton Air Quality
This website allows users to find out about air quality in Wolverhampton, and access reports and general information concerning various pollutants at locations throughout the city. Visit the About this Website page to find out more about how the network is operated.
QA details

Monitoring summary for the provider
Parameters Monitored Number of Monitors Start Date Latest Data
PM10 5 01/01/2005 04/10/2024
NO2 5 01/01/2004 04/10/2024