Air Pollution in the UK report

Front cover of 2023 report

Because of their potential impacts on human health, welfare and our natural environments, ambient concentrations of a wide range of air pollutants - including ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, particles, hydrocarbons and metallic pollutants - are measured at over 600 urban, suburban, roadside, industrial and rural locations throughout the UK. Automatic and non-automatic measurement techniques are used.

This is the latest in a long-running series of annual reports summarising measurements from these national air pollution monitoring networks, operated on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It includes comprehensive data and analyses from the calendar year (January to December) of 2023.

The report, together with the family of UK Air Quality websites (UK-AIR, Air Quality in Scotland, the Welsh Air Quality Forum website and Air Quality in Northern Ireland) provides the most comprehensive and complete analytical picture of UK's air pollution during 2023.

Latest Annual Reports

The latest annual reports can be downloaded using the links below:

Previous Annual Reports

Visit these pages to download Air Pollution in the UK reports from previous years: 

This report, originally published on 29th September 2022, has been republished on 8th February 2024. The re-publication corrected a processing error which caused an underestimate in the NOx emissions from taxis in central London.