AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
East Dunbartonshire Council AQMA Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Particulate Matter PM10
East Dunbartonshire Council AQMA Revoked 01/09/2022

Pollutants Declared

  • 18/07/2011, Particulate Matter PM10 - Annual Mean
  • 18/07/2011, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean

East Dunbartonshire Council AQMA (East Dunbartonshire Council)

18/07/2011, A 60 metre wide corridor along the A809 to the junction with Antonine Road and to the south beyond Canniesbun Toll to incorporate several road junctions. The eastern boundary is to the east side of Roman Road Car Park with a small section of Stockiemuir Road also incorporated.

Source: Road transport unspecified

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East Dunbartonshire Council AQMA (East Dunbartonshire Council)

01/09/2022, A 60 metre wide corridor along the A809 to the junction with Antonine Road and to the south beyond Canniesbun Toll to incorporate several road junctions. The eastern boundary is to the east side of Roman Road Car Park with a small section of Stockiemuir Road also incorporated.

Source: Road transport unspecified