Summary AQMA data
A summary of AQMAs is shown below.
Current AQMAs by Pollutant
Pollutant |
England | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | London |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
383 |
43 |
16 |
17 |
36 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
20 |
1 |
16 |
2 |
29 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
4 |
Note this table does not provide a total count for the number of AQMAs declared. It is a count of the number of AQMAs declared for each pollutant.
For example where an AQMA has been declared for both NO2 and PM10 it will have two entries in the above table.
Current AQMAs by Pollutant and Objective Declared
Pollutant |
Objective Declared |
England | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | London |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
1-Hour and Annual Mean |
22 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
9 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
1-Hour Mean |
1 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
Annual Mean |
361 |
42 |
13 |
15 |
26 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
24-Hour Mean |
19 |
1 |
1 |
22 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
Annual and 24-Hour Mean |
1 |
2 |
1 |
7 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
Annual Mean |
14 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
15-Minute and 1-Hour and 24-Hour Mean |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
15-Minute Mean |
4 |
Revoked AQMAs by Pollutant
Pollutant |
England | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | London |
Benzene C6H6 |
1 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
307 |
12 |
13 |
15 |
7 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
42 |
7 |
15 |
4 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
10 |
3 |
1 |
Revoked AQMAs by Pollutant and Objective Declared
Pollutant |
Objective Declared |
England | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | London |
Benzene C6H6 |
Annual Mean |
1 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
1-Hour and Annual Mean |
14 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
1-Hour Mean |
2 |
2 |
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
Annual Mean |
291 |
10 |
9 |
15 |
6 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
24-Hour Mean |
35 |
10 |
4 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
Annual and 24-Hour Mean |
3 |
1 |
5 |
Particulate Matter PM10 |
Annual Mean |
4 |
6 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
15-Minute and 1-Hour and 24-Hour Mean |
5 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
15-Minute and 24-Hour Mean |
1 |
Sulphur dioxide SO2 |
15-Minute Mean |
4 |
3 |
1 |
Current AQMAs by Source
Source |
№ of Current AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
141 |
Domestic Heating |
1 |
Highways Agency Road |
25 |
Industrial Source |
7 |
Mixture of road types |
60 |
Not Defined |
1 |
Road transport unspecified |
146 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
10 |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
4 |
Source |
№ of Current AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
21 |
Domestic Heating |
Highways Agency Road |
2 |
Industrial Source |
1 |
Mixture of road types |
5 |
Not Defined |
Road transport unspecified |
15 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
Source |
№ of Current AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
4 |
Domestic Heating |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
1 |
Not Defined |
1 |
Road transport unspecified |
18 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
2 |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
Northern Ireland
Source |
№ of Current AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
Domestic Heating |
1 |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
1 |
Not Defined |
2 |
Road transport unspecified |
15 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
Source |
№ of Current AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
1 |
Domestic Heating |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
2 |
Not Defined |
Road transport unspecified |
28 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
4 |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
1 |
Revoked AQMAs by Source
Source |
№ of revoked AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
104 |
Domestic Heating |
1 |
Highways Agency Road |
30 |
Industrial Source |
13 |
Mixture of road types |
50 |
Not Defined |
1 |
Railways |
1 |
Road transport unspecified |
149 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
7 |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
1 |
Source |
№ of revoked AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
2 |
Domestic Heating |
Highways Agency Road |
1 |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
Not Defined |
Railways |
Road transport unspecified |
6 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
Source |
№ of revoked AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
2 |
Domestic Heating |
1 |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
1 |
Mixture of road types |
1 |
Not Defined |
Railways |
Road transport unspecified |
10 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
2 |
Northern Ireland
Source |
№ of revoked AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
Domestic Heating |
10 |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
1 |
Not Defined |
Railways |
Road transport unspecified |
13 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |
Source |
№ of revoked AQMAs by Source |
County or Unitary Authority Road |
Domestic Heating |
Highways Agency Road |
Industrial Source |
Mixture of road types |
Not Defined |
Railways |
Road transport unspecified |
6 |
Transport and Industrial Source |
Transport, Industrial and domestic sources |