AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
Marlborough Air Quality Management Area Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Marlborough Air Quality Management Area Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 13/05/2011

Pollutants Declared

  • 12/05/2011, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean
  • 13/05/2011, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean

Marlborough Air Quality Management Area (Wiltshire Council)

12/05/2011, The border of the Marlborough AQMA mirrors the Town Council border with the exception of a small area to the south west of the town. Instead of crossing Granham Hill, the border runs down the hill, crosses the road adjacent to the last garden in Granham Close and running down to the River Kennet. Here it follows the southern bank of the River until meeting the Town Council boundary once more

Source: Road transport unspecified

Marlborough Air Quality Management Area (Wiltshire Council)

12/05/2011, The border of the Marlborough AQMA mirrors the Town Council border with the exception of a small area to the south west of the town. Instead of crossing Granham Hill, the border runs down the hill, crosses the road adjacent to the last garden in Granham Close and running down to the River Kennet. Here it follows the southern bank of the River until meeting the Town Council boundary once more

Source: Road transport unspecified

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© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. DEFRA. Licence No. GD272361 2002

Marlborough Air Quality Management Area (Wiltshire Council)

13/05/2011, The border of the Marlborough AQMA mirrors the Town Council border with the exception of a small area to the south west of the town. Instead of crossing Granham Hill, the border runs down the hill, crosses the road adjacent to the last garden in Granham Close and running down to the River Kennet. Here it follows the southern bank of the River until meeting the Town Council boundary once more

Source: Road transport unspecified

Click the map below to open a full size version in a new window.


© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. DEFRA. Licence No. GD272361 2002