AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 01/04/2001
Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA Revoked 01/07/2019

Pollutants Declared

  • 01/04/2001, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean

Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA (Three Rivers District Council)

01/04/2001, An area along the M25 from just west of where Chandler’s Lane crosses the M25 to the beginning of Junction 19 of the motorway extending 74m either side of the centreline

Source: Road transport unspecified

Download the map of this Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA (JPG)

Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA (Three Rivers District Council)

01/07/2019, An area along the M25 from just west of where Chandler’s Lane crosses the M25 to the beginning of Junction 19 of the motorway extending 74m either side of the centreline

Source: Road transport unspecified

Download the map of this Chandlers Cross NO2 AQMA (JPG)