AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
Paisley AQMA Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 20/09/2006
Paisley AQMA amended Amended Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Particulate Matter PM10
Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Pollutants Declared

  • 20/09/2006, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - 1-Hour Mean
  • 12/08/2009, Particulate Matter PM10 - Annual Mean
  • 12/08/2009, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - 1-Hour and Annual Mean
  • 12/08/2009, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - 1-Hour Mean

Paisley AQMA (Renfrewshire Council)

20/09/2006, An area encompassing a large part of central Paisley and extending a short distance along some radial roads.

Source: Road transport unspecified

Paisley AQMA amended (Renfrewshire Council)

12/08/2009, An area encompassing a large part of central Paisley and extending a short distance along some radial roads.

Source: Road transport unspecified

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