AQMA Details

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Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
Rumbolds Hill Midhurst West Sussex Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 17/01/2020

Pollutants Declared

  • 17/01/2020, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean

Rumbolds Hill Midhurst West Sussex (Chichester District Council)

17/01/2020, The area of land bounded by the front elevations of the buildings on the East side and West side of Rumbolds Hill (A272) between the junction at its southern end with West Street and Petersfield Road (A272) and the junction at its northern end with North Street (A286) and Knockhundred Row in Midhurst West Sussex and identified by the outlining and hatching in red on the attached plan which is marked The Chichester District Council Air Quality Management Area (Rumbolds Hill Midhurst West Sussex) Order No 1 2020.

Source: Road transport unspecified

Download the map of this Rumbolds Hill Midhurst West Sussex (PDF)