AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
Gateshead AQMA No.1 Town Centre Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 01/04/2005
Gateshead AQMA No.1 Town Centre Amended Nitrogen dioxide NO2 01/04/2008

Pollutants Declared

  • 01/04/2005, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean
  • 01/04/2008, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Annual Mean

Gateshead AQMA No.1 Town Centre (Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council)

01/04/2005, An area encompassing Gateshead town centre, from Arthur Street in the south to the edge of the railway line in the east, extending north east to where the A167, B1307 and Bridge Street cross the Tyne, and west to include the edge of the railway line, the A184, and the B1426.

Source: County or Unitary Authority Road

Gateshead AQMA No.1 Town Centre (Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council)

01/04/2008, An area encompassing Gateshead town centre, from Arthur Street in the south to the edge of the railway line in the east, extending north east to where the A167, B1307 and Bridge Street cross the Tyne, and west to include the edge of the railway line, the A184, and the B1426. The area was extended in April 2008 to include parts of Durham Road, Symphony Court, Crambourne Place, Cramer Street, Granville Street, Hartington Street, Northbourne Street, Shipcote Terrace, Souith Street and Whitehall Road.

Source: Highways Agency Road

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