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Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

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AQMAs Declared by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
AQMA No.1 Central Doncaster, alongside the A630. 01/08/2001 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.2 An area surrounding Junction 36 of the A1(M) and extending along the A18 eastwards into Doncaster town centre. 01/08/2001 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.3 Along a section of the A18 between the junctions with the A638/Bawtry Road and A638 Trafford Way. 01/08/2001 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.4 Along a section of the M18 Motorway, crossing the A638 Bawtry Road extending into the Hatchell Wood area up to Warning Tongue Lane. 01/06/2003 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No 5 Incorporating parts of the village of Conisborough, namely Low Road, Doncaster Road and Sheffield Road and other roads adjacent to those listed. 01/04/2012 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No. 6 The village of Skellow, along the A1, including Hill Crest, Howden Avenue and Crabgate Lane and other adjacent roads. 23/09/2013 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No. 7 Hickleton, along the A635, Barnsley Road. 01/02/2015 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No. 7A Marr, along the A635, Barnsley Road. 03/08/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council's website to view the latest action plan.