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Carlisle City Council

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AQMAs Declared by Carlisle City Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Carlisle City Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
AQMA No.1 An area encompassing the A7 between Hardwicke Circus and J44 of the M6, and Brampton Road for a distance of 100m from the Stanwix Bank junction. 02/12/2005 25/07/2019
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.2 An area encompassing Currock Street and the properties immediately to the west of it, between the junction with James St/Water St and Crown St. 26/01/2007 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.3 An area encompassing Wigton Road between Crummock Street and Ashley Street. 01/08/2008 03/07/2019 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.4 An area along the north side of the A595 at Bridge Street, northbound from the junction with Shaddongate. 01/08/2008 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.5 An area encompassing the junction of Dalston Road and Junction Street. 01/08/2008 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.6 An area encompassing part of London Road and properties on either side near the junction with Blake Street. 01/08/2008 03/07/2019 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Carlisle City Council's website to view the latest action plan.