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AQMAs Declared by Durham

The following AQMAs have been declared by Durham.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
Durham County Council Air Quality Management Area Durham City No 2 Order 2014 From the Highgate Development down the A3691to the roundabout at Milburngate Bridge A690 to the Hild and Bede roundabout A181 through Gilesgate to the junction of Sherburn Road and a stretch of Sunderland Road to Dragon Lane.The AQMA was amended to include the following additional areas of the city 1 The A690 west to east route through Durham City from the Stonebridge roundabout Broom Lane, Nevilles Cross, the Peth to the Crossgate Lights junction, Alexandra Crescent and Sutton Street to join the western boundary of the previously declared AQMA 2 A section of New Elvet to the junction of Church and Hallgarth Street. 3 A section of Claypath from Leazes Road within the previously declared AQMA to the junction with Providence Row 09/05/2011 25/07/2014
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Air Quality Management Area Chester le Street No. 2 A localised area comprising of the row of terraced properties known as Menceforth Cottages and also on Glen Terrace, both of which are situated on Pelton Fell Road to the west of Chester le Street town centre. 17/05/2013 20/05/2015 19/09/2022 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Durham's website to view the latest action plan.