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South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

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AQMAs Declared by South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
AQMA No.1 An area encompassing parts of Boldon Lane and Stanhope Road in South Shields. 01/03/2006 13/01/2023 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
AQMA No.2 An area encompassing sections of Leam Lane either side of the Lindisfarne Roundabout, and the A19 from just south of the roundabout northwards along the approach to the Tyne Tunnel. 01/03/2006 18/01/2023 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council's website to view the latest action plan.