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Runnymede Borough Council

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AQMAs Declared by Runnymede Borough Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Runnymede Borough Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
M25 AQMA AQMA combining 2 areas. Area 1 extending 70m east and west of the centre line of the M25 between Junction 11 junction 13 plus an area where the M25 crosses over Vicarage Road/ High Street Egham. Area 2 extending 55m east and west of the centre line of the M25 between Junction 11 the southerly boundary of the borough. 04/12/2001 04/07/2008
Particulate Matter PM10
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Area 2 An area extending 70m east and west of the centre line of the M25 between Junction 11 and the southern boundary of the borough at New Waw/Byfleet. 04/12/2001 04/07/2008 Particulate Matter PM10
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Addlestone AQMA Area in Addlestone town centre covering parts of High Street, Station Road, Brighton Road and Church Road. 04/07/2008 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Runnymede Borough Council's website to view the latest action plan.