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Portsmouth City Council

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AQMAs Declared by Portsmouth City Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Portsmouth City Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
Portsmouth AQMA No.1 An area incorporating a section of Highbury Grove parallel to the A27, Corsham. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.2 An area incorporating a section of Albert Road, Southsea. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.3 An area incorporating a section of road stretching from Milton Road to Burrfields Road, Copnor. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.4 An area incorporating a section of Eastney Road, Eastney. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.5 An area incorporating a section of Elm Grove, Southsea. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.6 An area incorporating a section of road stretching from Fratton Road to London Road 11/04/2005 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.7 An area incorporating a network of roads in central Portsmouth including High Street, St Georges Road, Cambridge Road, St Michael Road, King Richard Road, Montgomery Way, and Hampshire Terrace. 11/04/2005 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.8 An area incorporating a section of North Parade and London Road, Hillsea. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.9 An area incorporating a section of road stretching from Milton Road to Eastern Road, Milton. 11/04/2005 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.10 An area incorporating a section of Norway Road, Hilsea. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.11 An area incorporating a network of roads stretching from Marketway to Lake Road to the M275. 11/04/2005 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.12 An area incorporating a section of road stretching from The Hard to Queen Street, Portsea. 11/04/2005 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Portsmouth AQMA No.13 An area incorporating Northern Road to Southampton Road, Cosham. 11/04/2005 26/01/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Portsmouth City Council's website to view the latest action plan.