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Fenland District Council

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AQMAs Declared by Fenland District Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Fenland District Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
Wisbech AQMA No.1 (SO2) An area in central Wisbech surrounding the HL Food site. 01/05/2001 Sulphur dioxide SO2
Wisbech AQMA No.2 (PM10) An area in central Wisbech surrounding the HL Food site 01/05/2001 Particulate Matter PM10
Wisbech AQMA No.3 (NO2) An area extending along the B198 Lynn Road between Freedom Bridge Roundabout and Mount Pleasant Road and along the A1101, from Sandylands, along Churchill Road to just past Westmead Avenue. 01/04/2006 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Whittlesey AQMA No.1 (SO2) An area along roads and cycle routes to the west and northwest of Whittlesey brickworks and an area covering roads, footpaths, dwellings, schools and public open spaces to the east of Whittlesey brickworks. 01/09/2006 Sulphur dioxide SO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Fenland District Council's website to view the latest action plan.