AQMA Details

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The AQMA details for are shown below:

Amendment History

The below table provides information on the amendment history of this AQMA

AQMA Name AQMA Status Pollutants Date
AQMA 6 - Truro Declared Nitrogen dioxide NO2 01/07/2015

Pollutants Declared

  • 01/07/2015, Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - 1-Hour and Annual Mean

AQMA 6 - Truro (Cornwall County Council)

01/07/2015, Newquay Road, Truro Eastern Park and Ride, and Higher Newham to the east Highertown, Newbridge, Gloweth, Threemilestone and Greenbottom bounded by the main railway line to the south West Langarth and land bounded by Road from Garth Lodge to Tregavethan Manor to the west and north west and bounded by New Mills Lane to the north and including Kenwyn and Nancemere. The AQMA also includes the main roads of A390, A39 and B3284 where they fall within the boundary

Source: County or Unitary Authority Road

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