List of Local Authorities with AQMAs
Select a letter to view the list of local authorities that start with that letter. Click on a local authority name to find out more about the AQMAs within that area.
3 matching AQMAs
Applied filter: Local authorities beginning with A, for all pollutants, within all countries
Local Authority | AQMA Name | Pollutants | Date Declared | Date Amended | Date Revoked |
Aberdeen City Council | Aberdeen City Centre AQMA | Nitrogen dioxide NO2 Particulate Matter PM10 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 Particulate Matter PM10 |
29/06/2001 | 01/02/2025 | |
Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council | AQMA No.3 (Elmfield) | Nitrogen dioxide NO2 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
29/01/2008 | 29/06/2009 | |
Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon District Council | Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council AQMA | Nitrogen dioxide NO2 |
01/02/2018 | - |
Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.