
Air Quality Information System Review: Final Report and Recommendations

The Air Quality Information System (AQIS) review has been conducted as part of the government’s commitment to improve the provision of air quality information to the public. The review was led by an external multi-disciplinary steering group. The AQIS review final report and recommendations paper details the AQIS steering group’s reflections on the existing air quality information system; provides a summary of evidence gathered for the review; and outlines their recommendations for actions government can take to improve information provision.

Air Quality Information System Review: Theory of change - Supplementary report

The Air Quality Information System (AQIS) review theory of change was developed by the AQIS steering group as a structured way for members to reach a consensus on recommendations for improvement to air quality information provision. The theory of change report provides supplementary information to contextualise and be read alongside the AQIS theory of change map.

Evaluation of the Daily Air Quality Index

The Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI) provides near real-time air quality measurements to alert the public about short-term changes in levels of air pollution, as well as providing a short-range air quality forecast. This evaluation aims to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the DAQI as an air quality communication tool.

Air Quality Information System Review: Leveraging social networks

Defra commissioned this work to understand the opportunities for disseminating information about air quality via people’s social and interpersonal relationships. This report details findings from qualitative research with 36 participants. The research considered how individuals receive information about air quality and comparable issues from different people, places and groups – as well as how they are then transmitting and sharing information with and amongst other people, places and groups.

Air Quality Qualitative Research Panel: Final report

This report details the findings from qualitative research conducted with 30 members of the public over a six-month period to gather insights on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of the general population and “at risk” groups with regards to air pollution and to explore how the public can be supported to reduce their exposure and contribution to air pollution.

UK digital air quality information landscape review

Availability and access to air quality information has evolved significantly over the past two decades. This review examines the characteristics and evolution of air quality information channels, detailing the information that is publicly accessible via digital channels and how the air quality information provided by Defra sits in the wider information communication landscape

Air Quality Information System Review: Stakeholder engagement programme - Insights report

This report outlines insights from a programme of stakeholder engagement undertaken by Defra with the aim of learning lessons from organisations and individuals with existing experience developing and disseminating air quality information at a local or community level.

Local authorities’ air quality webpage information analysis

This project examined the air quality information that local authorities provide to the public by way of an assessment of a random stratified sample of 100 local air quality websites. The objective of this assessment was to provide evidence to understand how the availability of air quality information varies across different local authorities.

Identifying and defining "At Risk" groups to better target air quality information: Evidence assessment for diabetes, obesity, subtypes of asthma and life-stage

This report presents the findings of a rapid review to identify the epidemiological and experimental evidence bases for increased susceptibility of specific subpopulations (individuals with metabolic disorders, specific subtypes of asthma and older/younger people) to short-term exposure to ambient air pollution (NO2, PM10, PM2.5, O3 and SO2).

Physical activity and exposure to air pollution

Researching the trade-off between short-term air pollution exposure and physical activity levels for the maximum health benefits is key to bridging a gap in public health policymaking. This rapid review aims to investigate this important research question with regards to whether, and how, short-term exposure to air pollution may negate the health benefits of physical activity.

Air Quality Information System Review steering group, year one report

The Air Quality Information System (AQIS) review is a programme of work aimed at improving the provision of air quality information to the public. The review is being led by an external multi-disciplinary steering group. This report has been drafted by the AQIS steering group and provides an interim assessment on the strengths and limitations of the existing information system.

Quick scoping review to understanding the groups at increased risk from adverse effects of air pollution due to their exposure and activities undertaken

Everybody is exposed to air pollution; however, some groups and communities are more likely to experience disproportionately higher exposures. This quick scoping review examines the evidence relating to population groups that may be highly exposed to air pollution from outdoor sources with a focus on people with protected characteristics and those who belong to an inclusion health group.


Meeting Minutes