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Air Quality Websites for Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland
Each of these regions has its own dedicated air quality website:
• Air Quality in Scotland, provided by the Scottish Government:
• Air Quality in Wales, provided by the Welsh Government:
https://www.welshairquality.co.uk/ .
• Northern Ireland Air, provided by the Department of Environment in Northern
Ireland: https://www.airqualityni.co.uk/
Each website contains information and data on air pollution from the region, air pollution
forecasts, air quality news and reports for the region and educational pages where children
and youths can learn about air pollution.
Defra web pages
Defra provides online information on environmental topics including air quality. The Defra
air quality web pages provide information on the following topics:
• The UK’s strategy to reduce emissions from transport, homes, farming and industry
(The Clean Air Strategy 2019).
• Accredited Official Statistics for the emissions of air pollutants and for air quality
• Health effects of air quality by Public Health England.
• Air quality research and statistics.
Defra also provides pages on:
• Sources, impacts and advice on reducing air pollution:
• Local Air Quality Management (action at local authority level to improve air quality):
Defra’s website also provides information on other environmental issues such as waste,
water quality and climate change.