Air Pollution in the UK 2014: UK’s Annual Report to the Commission

News published: 05/10/2015

The UK's annual air quality compliance report for 2014 was published by Defra and the Devolved Administrations on Thursday 1 October. This report summarises the UK's 2014 submission on air quality under Directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC to the EU Commission, presenting air quality modelling data and measurements from national air pollution monitoring networks.

Since 2013, the air quality compliance assessment has been submitted to the Commission via e-Reporting (a process developed by the European Commission, for reporting of compliance and provision of data). The UK's annual submission for 2014 will be uploaded to the Commission website at All the compliance results come under "Information on the Attainment of Environmental Objectives" in e-Reporting Data Flow G.

Submissions for years up to and including 2012 (which were in the form of a standard questionnaire) can be found at

The report "Air Pollution in the UK 2014", and a summarised version "Air Pollution in the UK 2014 - Compliance Assessment Summary" can both be downloaded in full from

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