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Brighton and Hove Council

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AQMAs Declared by Brighton and Hove Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Brighton and Hove Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
Brighton AQMA An area encompassing much of southern central Brighton and Hove, bounded to the south by the seafront, to the west by the boundary with Adur District Council, and to the north by the A270. To the east, the main boundary is the A270 and A23 from the Vogue Gyratory to Grand Parade, but the area extends north along the A270 Lewes Road, and further east along the C5280 to the B2137 and south to the seafront. 08/12/2004 25/01/2008 30/08/2013 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton and Hove AQMA 1 Includes four main arterial routes connecting Brighton & Hove City Centre, that is: the B2066 - Ultralow Emission Zone and part of the A23, A270, A2010 and adjacent land use. 30/08/2013 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton and Hove AQMA2 Rottingdean High Street (B123) from the A259 junction to the T-junction with Vicarage Lane. 30/08/2013 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton & Hove AQMA5 South Road and Preston Road part of the A23 (north of Preston Drove) and adjoining properties. 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton & Hove AQMA6 Eastern Road outside of the Royal Sussex County Hospital. Mixed road traffic, gas combustion and long term construction. 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton & Hove AQMA3 South West Portslade including housing surrounding the A259 and A293 haulage route from Shoreham port inland. NOx contributions from, general traffic, buses, HGV and wharf side industry. 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Brighton & Hove AQMA4 Premises adjacent with the Old Shoreham Road (A270) Nevill Road and Sackville Road (A2023) Junction. 04/11/2020 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Brighton and Hove Council's website to view the latest action plan.