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Bath and North East Somerset Council

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AQMAs Declared by Bath and North East Somerset Council

The following AQMAs have been declared by Bath and North East Somerset Council.
These are listed with most recent first.

AQMA Description Date Declared Date Amended Date Revoked Pollutants
Bath AQMA An area which covers the major road network in Bath, encompassing any buildings whose facades are within the area outlined on the map. 01/02/2002 09/08/2005
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Keynsham AQMA An area encompassing Keynsham High Street between Old Vicarage Green to the north and the Town Hall car park to the south, also including parts of adjoining streets. 31/07/2010 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Saltford AQMA Bath Road, Saltford, encompassing any buildings whose facades are within the area. The area extends along the Bath Road from its junction with Beech Road until 150 metres south of the Glen. 02/07/2013 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Temple Cloud Air Quality Management Area Order 2018 The designated area starts approximately 245 metres north of the A37/Temple Inn Lane junction and runs along the A37 to approximately 150 metres south of the A37/Eastcourt Road junction. The area extends approximately 13 metres from the centre of the road, encompassing any building facades or gardens within the area. 20/08/2018 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Farrington Gurney Air Quality Mangement Area Order 2018 The designated area starts approximately 165 metres north of the A37/Church Lane junction and runs south along the A37 to the Bath and North East Somerset Council boundary, and additionally extends approximately 100 metres east along the A362 from the A37/A362 junction. The area extends approximately 12 metres from the centre of the road, encompassing any building façades within the area. 20/08/2018 Nitrogen dioxide NO2

Cells in the above table are empty where information has previously not been recorded.

Air Quality Action Plans

Visit Bath and North East Somerset Council's website to view the latest action plan.