Appendix 1
The Methodology of the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
2.9 Other Transport
2.9.1 Air Transport
The NAEI category Air Transport gives an estimate of emissions within a 1000 m ceiling of takeoff and landing. This represents, roughly the boundary layer and emissions into it.
The estimates are calculated from the number of aircraft movements at British airports (DETR, 1997b) and emission factors calculated as the emission of pollutant per aircraft movement. The aircraft emission factors are shown in Table A25 and are for a large airport (Heathrow) and a smaller airport (Gatwick). In the calculations the smaller airport factors are used for the other British Airports.
The emission factors were derived from studies at Heathrow and Gatwick airports discussed by Munday (1990) and Leech (1991) . The following information was used:
- the average number of aircraft movements by aircraft type
- the fuel combustion and emission factors for individual engines in different modes (ICAO, 1988)
For an aircraft landing and takeoff cycle (LTO) the following stages of operation were considered:
- approach from 1000m
- taxi
- takeoff
- climb out to 1000m.
From the time spent in each stage it was possible to estimate the fuel consumed and hence the emission of pollutant. The SO2 emission factor is corrected for the year to year variation in the sulphur content of aviation fuel. UK aircraft statistics are reported as aircraft movements (i.e. takeoff or landings) and so the emission factors are reported as emission per movement. It follows that one LTO is equal to two aircraft movements.
Table A25 Aircraft Emission Factors (kg/movement)
CO2 1 |
CH4 3 |
NOx |
CO |
SO22 |
BS |
Large Airport |
797 |
0.422 |
15.7 |
12.4 |
3.97 |
2.17 |
0.899 |
Smaller Airport |
401 |
0.212 |
7.88 |
6.22 |
2.00 |
1.09 |
0.452 |
1 Emission factor as kg carbon/ aircraft movement
2 1996 value based on Institute of Petroleum (1997)
3 Based on total hydrocarbon emission. Assumes methane is 9.6% (EMEP/CORINAIR, 1996)
2.9.2 Shipping
The NAEI estimates emissions from Fishing and Coastal shipping. The old category Other UK Shipping which reported emissions from international shipping within UK coastal waters is no longer used following the changeover to the UNECE/CORINAIR SNAP 94 system. The emissions from Fishing and Coastal Shipping are estimated according to the base combustion module using emission factors given in Table A3 and fuel consumption data from DTI (1997).
The coastal shipping category does contain emissions from offshore fuel use. A proportion of this will be marine transport associated with the offshore industry but some is fuel oil use in turbines, motors and heaters on offshore installations. The revisions to the Offshore Oil and Gas emissions have removed the small double counts that existed in previous inventories.
2.9.3 Military Emissions
Emissions were estimated from:
- military aircraft
- naval vessels
based on estimates of their fuel consumption. Aircraft fuel consumption is given in ONS(1995) up to 1992, however, this data is no longer collected and reported and for subsequent years data is obtained directly from MOD(1997a). Naval fuel consumption was supplied by MOD(1997). The emission factors used are shown in Table A26. The emission factors used for military aircraft are cruise factors appropriate to domestic jets, so estimates will be approximate.
Table A26 Emission Factors Used for Military Emissions
CO21 |
CH4 |
N2O |
NOx |
CO |
SO2 |
BS |
PM10 |
Air |
859a |
0.0825b |
0.1d |
23.7e |
4e |
0.667b |
0.8f |
0.98g |
NE |
Naval |
857a |
0.288c |
0.2e |
57e |
7.4e |
2.11b |
19.4e |
1.35g |
1.07 |
1 |
CO2 as carbon |
a |
UKPIA(1989) |
b |
UNECE/CORINAIR(1996) based on total hydrocarbon emission factor |
and speciation data |
c |
UNECE/CORINAIR(1996) based on total hydrocarbon emission factor |
and speciation data from IPCC(1997) |
d |
IPCC(1997) |
e |
f |
Institute of Petroleum (1997) |
g |
EMEP (1990) |
Takeoff and landing data for military aircraft are not available so the estimates are based on fuel consumption data and cruise emission factors for small jet aircraft.
2.9.4 Other Off-Road Sources
These cover emissions from a range of portable or mobile equipment powered by reciprocating diesel or petrol driven engines. They include agricultural equipment such as tractors and combines; construction equipment such as bulldozers and excavators; domestic lawn mowers; aircraft support equipment; and industrial machines such as portable generators and compressors. In the Inventory they are grouped into four main categories:
- domestic house&garden
- agricultural power units (includes forestry)
- industrial offroad (includes construction and quarrying)
- aircraft support.
The estimates are calculated using a modification of the methodology given in EMEP/CORINAIR(1996). This involves the estimation of emissions from around seventy classes of off-road source using the following equation for each class:
Ej |
= |
Nj . Hj . Pj . Lj . (1 - Yj . aj ). ej |
Ej |
= |
Emission of pollutant from class j |
(kg/year) |
Nj |
= |
Population of class j. |
Hj |
= |
Annual usage of class j |
(h/year) |
Pj |
= |
Average power rating of class j |
(kW) |
Lj |
= |
Load factor of class j |
(-) |
Yj |
= |
Average age of class j |
(years) |
aj |
= |
Age factor of class j |
(y-1) |
ej |
= |
Emission factor of class j |
(kg/kWh) |
For petrol engined sources, evaporative NMVOC emissions are also estimated as:
Evj |
= |
Evaporative emission from class j |
(kg) |
evj |
= |
Evaporative emission factor for class j |
(kg/h) |
Population and age data were supplied by a market research telephone poll amongst equipment suppliers and trade associations by Precision Research International on behalf of DOE. (PRI, 1995). The annual usage data was taken either from the PRI poll or published data (Samaras et al.,1993,1994). The emission factors used came mostly from EMEP/CORINAIR (1996) though a few of the more obscure classes were taken from Samaras (1993). The load factors were taken from Samaras(1996).
It was possible to calculate fuel consumptions for each class based on fuel consumption factors given in EMEP/CORINAIR (1996). Comparison with known fuel consumption for certain groups of classes (e.g. agriculture and construction) suggested that the population method over estimated fuel consumption by factors of 2-3. Hence the methodology was modified in the following way:
- Aggregate emission factors were calculated for each of the four main categories listed above as
Aggregate emission factor for main .
NAEI category
(kg/t fuel)
Sum of emissions of pollutant from classes within
main NAEI category calculated from the
population approach
Sum of fuel consumption from classes within
main NAEI category calculated from the population
- Estimates were derived for the fuel consumptions for the years 1970-1995 for each of the four main categories
- agricultural power units: This data was taken from DTI(1997)
- ·aircraft support: Data on diesel oil consumption at Heathrow Airport was extrapolated on the basis of the number of takeoffs and landings (DETR,1997b; Leech ,1994)
- ·industrial offroad: The construction component was calculated from DUKES data (DTI, 1997) on building and contracting; mines and quarrying and water. The industrial component was estimated from the population approach. This gave an estimate for 1995. This was extrapolated to other years using the DUKES data on building and contracting; mines and quarrying and water.
- ·domestic house & garden: This was estimated from the EMEP/CORINAIR population approach for 1995 and the same value used for all years.
- The emission for each of the four main NAEI categories was estimated as:
Fuel consumption of NAEI main category p
Emissions from off-road sources are particularly uncertain. The aggregate emission factors calculated for each NAEI category are shown in Table A27. The emission factors used for carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide were the standard emission factors for DERV, gas oil and petrol given in Table A3. The black smoke emission factors were the default factors for petrol and diesel engines given in Table A3 (Keddie et al., 1978; Timmis et al., 1988)
Table A27 Aggregate Emission Factors for Off-Road Source Categories (t/kt fuel)
Source |
Fuel |
Ca |
CH4 |
N2O |
NOx |
CO |
SO2b |
BSc |
PM10 |
Domestic House&Garden |
857 |
0.159 |
1.3 |
53.5 |
26.6 |
12.1 |
1.8 |
18 |
1.21 |
Domestic House&Garden |
Petrol |
855 |
6.84 |
0.0279 |
2.90 |
1382 |
626 |
0.73 |
0.645 |
1.006 |
Agricultural Power Units |
Gas Oil |
857 |
0.163 |
1.31 |
54.0 |
16.8 |
7.56 |
2.8 |
18 |
1.07 |
Agricultural Power Units |
Petrol |
855 |
7.53 |
1.31 |
1.98 |
1367 |
753 |
0.518 |
0.645 |
1.006 |
Industrial Off-road |
Gas Oil |
857 |
0.165 |
1.37 |
50.5 |
13.6 |
6.05 |
2.8 |
18 |
1.07 |
Industrial Off-road |
Petrol |
855 |
4.89 |
0.0726 |
9.08 |
1965 |
98.6 |
0.518 |
0.645 |
1.006 |
Aircraft Support |
Gas Oil |
857 |
0.164 |
1.37 |
56.5 |
12.4 |
5.49 |
2.8 |
18 |
1.07 |
a |
Emission factor as kg carbon/t. UKPIA (1989) |
b |
Institution of Petroleum, (1997), |
c |
Keddie et al. (1978), Timmis et al. (1988) |