2 New Bandings for Air PollutionAEAT-3844
Before 18 November 1997 the DETR classified air quality using the four banding levels for O
3, NO2 and SO2 shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: United Kingdom Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Air Quality Guidelines (ppb, hourly average) (until 18 November 1997)
  very good good poor very poor
O3 < 50 50 - 89 90 - 179 ³ 180
NO2 < 50 50 - 99 100 - 299 ³ 300
SO2 < 60 60 - 124 125 - 399 ³ 400

Since 19 November 1997 a new banding scheme has been in use. This scheme includes bandings for PM
10 and CO as well as the three pollutants previously forecast and these pollutants are now forecast every day (Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, 1997). The new banding levels which the DETR now uses to classify air pollution for O3, NO2, SO2, CO and fine particles are shown in Table 2.2. We have assessed the forecasting success rate for the "Information" threshold between moderate and high.

Table 2.2: United Kingdom Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Air Quality Guidelines (ppb, hourly average) (since 19 November 1997)
  Standard Information Alert
Sulphur Dioxide
(ppb, 15 minute mean)
less than 100 100 - 199 200 - 399 400 or more
less than 50
(8 hour running mean)
50 - 90
(hourly mean)
90 - 179
(hourly mean)
180 or more
(hourly mean)
Carbon Monoxide
(ppb, 8 hour running mean)
less than 10 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 or more
Nitrogen Dioxide
(ppb, hourly mean)
less than 150 150 - 299 300 - 399 400 or more
Fine Particles
(mg/m3, 24 hour running mean)
less than 50 50 -74 75 - 99 100 or more

In the last forecasting report (Stedman et al, 1997) the likely number of exceedances for 1995 and 1996 under the new banding scheme was discussed. The findings were that there would be a similar number of ozone episodes as under the old scheme, fewer SO2 episodes and virtually no NO2 episodes. During 1996 and 1995 there were very few days with HIGH or even MODERATE levels of CO, under the new scheme, but there were a large number of days with HIGH levels of PM10. Table 2.3 lists the number of days with measured HIGH or VERY HIGH pollution levels for each pollutant for 1997 for the country as a whole, if the new bandings had been used throughout the year. A comparison with the number of POOR and VERY POOR days defined by the old bandings confirms earlier conclusions, and since there are such a large number of episode days for PM10 it is important to have good forecasting techniques.

Table 2.3: Total number of episode days in 1997 classified by new and old bandings
  1997 Network Data
Ozone 8 0 8 0
Nitrogen Dioxide 0 0 72 0
Sulphur Dioxide 17 1 30 1
Carbon Monoxide 0 0 - -
Particles 49 14 - -
Total 74 15 110 1

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