Authors | Christopher Conolly and Hao Wu |
Compilation date | 23 September 2021 |
Customer | Environment Agency, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department of Environment Northern Ireland, Welsh Government and Scottish Government |
Approved by | Christopher Conolly |
Copyright | Ricardo Energy & Environment |
EULA | |
Contract reference | 23102 | Report reference | ED62291/PAH2017AR/Issue 1 |
This annual report for 2017 for the UK PAH Monitoring and Analysis Network was prepared by Ricardo Energy and Environment for the Environment Agency, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Department of Environment Northern Ireland, the Welsh Government and the Scottish Government.
In 2017 there were 32 ambient air sampling sites operational in the network in the UK in addition to two deposition samplers. The majority of the sampling locations are urban background however the network also includes urban industrial, rural background and a single site that is urban traffic. Of the rural located samplers there are two sites that are located at Chilbolton Observatory, Hampshire and Auchencorth Moss, Midlothian which are used to support the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme ((EMEP)) to Level 2. EMEP is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) (UNECE (1979)) for international co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems.
The UK Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) Monitoring Network comprises non automatic systems to measure PAH in ambient air and deposition. Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) has been identified as a human carcinogen by IARC and has been determined to be a suitable ‘marker’ for the PAH mixture in ambient air.
There is an EU Target Value that relate to the annual mean concentration of Benzo[a]pyrene (1 ng/m3). There is also a more stringent UK National Air Quality Objective for B[a]P in ambient air is an annual mean concentration of 0.25 ng/m3 as detailed in the Air Quality Strategy (Defra, 2007).
Key findings for 2017:
This report was prepared by the Ricardo Energy and Environment as part of the UK PAH Monitoring and Analysis Network (‘the Network’ or ‘the PAH Network’) contract number 23102 with the Environment Agency for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), the Welsh Government and the Scottish Government.
Ricardo assumed full operation of the Network on the 1st of September 2016 following a transition period from the previous contractor. This annual report presents and discusses data from both the current contract and the data reported by the previous contractors since data was collected by the Digitel DHA-80 samplers originally set up by the team at Ricardo Energy & Environment in the late 2000’s.
This interactive annual report contains:
The appendices of this report present data for the monthly deposition concentrations of B[a]P at all Network stations that were operational in 2017 however this information, air concentration data and other monthly concentration data for all other PAHs measured at the sites can be found accessed via the UK-AIR website.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of persistent organic pollutant compounds they contain two or more benzene rings, they are generally produced through incomplete combustion or pyrolysis and sources include industrial, commercial, vehicular and residential sources. A more detailed discussion of the sources of PAH in the UK is presented in Section 1.3 where trends in the emissions of B[a]P presented.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that B[a]P is carcinogenic to humans (group 1) (WHO, 2010) and is currently considered by IARC as the most carcinogenic PAH. The carcinogenic classification of PAH and other agents can be found on the International Agency for research on Cancer (IARC) website.
Table 1 below shows the details of PAH that are required to be measured Fourth Daughter Directive (2004/107/EC) (EC, 2005) in the UK plus benzo[ghi]perylene which was more recently included in the 2014 technical standard CEN/TS 16645:2014 (BSI, 2014). The table also included the IARC classifications and structures of the PAH.
Table 1: PAH structures and IARC Carcinogenic Classification of PAH that should be monitored according to the 4th Daughter Directive (2004/107/EC). IARC Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans, Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans, Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans, Group 3: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
Compound | Structure | IARC |
Benz[a]anthracene | 2B | |
Benzo[b]fluoranthene | 2B | |
Benzo[j]fluoranthene | 2B | |
Benzo[k]fluoranthene | 2B | |
Benzo[a]pyrene | 1 | |
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene | 2A | |
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | 2B | |
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene | 3 |
In the UK there is a national air quality objective for B[a]P in ambient air. This is based on an annual mean concentration of 0.25 ng/m3. Details can be found in the UK in the Air Quality Strategy in 2007.
The EC Air Quality Framework Directive (Directive 96/62/EC) (EC, 1996) set a strategic framework to tackle air quality in a consistent way across Europe by setting limit and target values for air pollutants via a series of Daughter Directives. The Fourth Daughter Directive sets a target value for B[a]P of 1 ng/m3 (total content in the PM10 fraction averaged over a calendar year). Mandatory measurement requirements relating to the measurement of B[a]P can be found in the Fourth Daughter Directive (Directive 2004/107/EC).
B[a]P’s suitability as a marker for the PAH mixture in ambient air by the EC Position Paper (EC, 2001) on PAH led to it being selected as the measure for monitoring in the Fourth Daughter Directive (Directive 2004/107/EC) and the more stringent UK National Air Quality Objective for PAH. Measurements of B[a]P in ambient air are covered by the European standard EN 15549 (BSI, 2008), which has been adopted as the European reference method.
Measurements of PAH in Deposition are covered by European standard EN 15980 (BSI, 2011) which details the measurement method sampling, sample preparation and analysis for benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene. There is no limit or target value related deposition of PAH in the UK or Europe.
The two sites of located at Chilbolton Observatory, Hampshire and Auchencorth Moss, Midlothian are used to support the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) to Level 2. EMEP is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) which was signed by the UK in 1979. The convention aids international co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems, provides access to emission, measurement and modelling data and provides information on the effects of air pollution on ecosystems, health, crops and materials.
The National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) has estimated the emission of PAH for the UK for many years. The inventory now estimates the emissions of 16 PAH (the US-EPA 16) which includes benzo[a]pyrene. As with all emissions inventories there is some uncertainty in the estimates as the emissions are not based solely on measurements and require some estimation of emission factors and activities being required.
There has been a significant decrease in the overall emissions of benzo[a]pyrene in the UK since the 1990’s. Figure 1 below displays UK estimated emissions of benzo[a]pyrene by source sectors with data selected from 2000 to 2016. From a review of this it is apparent that the emission of benzo[a]pyrene are dominated by the residential and commercial combustion. More historic emissions estimates are also available by double clicking on the plot.
Figure 1: Estimated UK anthropogenic emissions of B[a]P per sector from 1990 to 2016.
In recent years residential and commercial combustion dominate emissions with emissions of B[a]P making up 89% of the estimated emissions of B[a]P in the UK in 2016. The residential and commercial combustion sector shows an increase in estimated emissions of B[a]p from an estimated 4.3 tonnes in 2000 to 6.7 tonnes in 2016 which represents a 54% increase.
Improvements in the calculation of emissions from the domestic wood combustion sector to take into account the age of appliances has been integrated into the NAEI emission estimates shown in this report. Therefore, whilst it is possible to compare emissions between years in the data set they should not be compared with data previously reported.
More information relating to UK Emissions of PAH and other pollutant can be accessed via the NAEI website.
The objective of the PAH Network is to determine the ambient concentrations of PAHs in ambient air in the UK through monitoring and chemical analysis, and deliver or aid the delivery the following:
The 32 monitoring stations operating in the UK PAH Network during 2017 are shown in Figure 2. Two monitoring sites where both Digitel particulate samplers and deposition samples are taken are marked with drop marker (Auchencorth Moss and Chilbolton Observatory). Other sites where only Digitel particulate samples are taken are marked with red circles.
Figure 2: Map of UK PAH monitoring stations in 2017.
In 2017 there were 32 ambient air sampling sites operational in the network in the UK in addition to two deposition samplers. The majority of the sampling locations are urban background however the network also includes urban industrial, rural background and a single site that is urban traffic at London Marylebone Road. Of the rural located samplers there are two sites that are located at Chilbolton Observatory, Hampshire and Auchencorth Moss, Midlothian which are used to support the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP).
The Network requires the sampling and analysis of two types of samples these are particulate and deposition samples.
‘PAH Digitel (solid phase)’ particulate samplers. These samples are in the PM10 fraction of ambient air on a filter and are taken daily at all 30 Network stations using Digitel DHA-80 samplers with automatic filter changers. Each sample is taken for 24 h, and a sample is taken every 24 h, with the sample changeover generally occurring at midnight. The samples are bulked into groups representing calendar months for analysis. The Digitel DHA-80 samplers (see Figure 3) used throughout the Network are considered to be equivalent to the requirements of the European Standard for sampling PM10 matter (EN 12341) (BSI, 2014). The samplers are therefore valid for use with the European Standard method for the measurement of B[a]P in ambient air (EN 15549). The solid phase filter samples have a measurement period of 24 hours at a flowrate of approximately 30 m3/h.
Figure 3: Digitel DHA-80 sampler deployed to measure solid phase PAH in the UK Network.
‘PAH deposition’ samplers. These Deposition samples are taken fortnightly at two rural Network stations of Auchencorth Moss and Chilbolton Observatory (previously at Harwell). Each sample is taken for 14 days using a deposition sampler (Figure 4) that meets the requirement of the European Standard for the measurement of the deposition of PAHs (EN 15980). The deposition samplers itself consist of a glass funnel and a four litre brown glass collection bottle, which are located inside a protective tube in order to minimise photochemical reactions and the degradation of PAHs. The spikes seen on the image have been fitted to the top of the protective tubes to prevent damage and contamination by bird strikes.
Figure 4: Samplers to measure deposition of PAH in the UK Network.
To ensure the quality of the sampling procedure there are a number of checks and quality assurance and quality control measures that are undertaken on the data and the filters used in the samplers prior to use. These include the inspection of sampling media prior to use at sampling sites, analysis of field and sample blanks, checking of equipment operation via online systems, review of the measurement data associated with the filters being returned from the sites to ensure they meet the requirement of the EN 15549 standard. In addition to these checks the network is supported by an infrastructure of local site operators who are fully trained and provided with detailed working instructions or site operation.
The following network infrastructure changes took place which are not detailed in previous reports covering the time period at the end of 2015 and 2017:
All Stations were calibrated and serviced in 2017 and checks on flow were undertaken. There were motor failures at a number of site during 2017 but no other major issues affected data capture hence the data. Table 2 below shows the data captures for 2017.
Site | Data capture |
Auchencorth Moss | 98% (100% deposition) |
Ballymena Ballykeel | 100% |
Birmingham Tyburn | 39%* |
Bolsover | 99% |
Cardiff Lakeside | 100% |
Chilbolton Observatory | 98% (100% deposition) |
Derry Brandywell | 100% |
Edinburgh St Leonards | 97% |
Glasgow Townhead | 100% |
Hazelrigg | 98% |
High Muffles | 100% |
Kilmakee Leisure Centre | 99% |
Kinlochleven | 97% |
Leeds Millshaw | 99% |
Liverpool Speke | 98% |
London Brent | 99% |
London Marylebone Road | 100% |
Lynemouth 2 | 98% |
Middlesbrough | 100% |
Newcastle Centre | 100% |
Newport | 61%* |
Nottingham Centre | 100% |
Port Talbot Margam | 93% |
Royston | 99% |
Ruardean | 77%* |
Salford Eccles | 99% |
Scunthorpe Low Santon | 100% |
Scunthorpe Town | 99% |
Sheffield Tinsley | 79%* |
South Hiendley | 100% |
Stoke Ferry | 100% |
Swansea Cwm Level Park | 97% |
Network Average** | 99% |
The data capture for those sites operating throughout the majority of 2017 were between 93% and 100% with an average of 99%. This capture is in line with the 2015 and 2016 data capture and above slightly the 2014 and 2013 data captures which were also an impressive 97% and 96% respectively.
The PAH analysed and reported from deposition and particulate samples are shown in Appendix 3 Table A3 along with the typical detection limits. The PAH are consistent with previous years reporting with the exception of Benzo[b+j]fluoranthene and Dibenzo[ah+ac]anthracene which are have been analysed separately as Benzo[b]fluoranthene and Benzo[j]fluoranthene and Dibenzo[ac]anthracene and Dibenzo[ah]anthracene since July 2016 when Ricardo took over the network from the previous contractors. In addition to this Cholanthrene has also been added to the list of PAH that are analysed at this time.
More information relating to the quality control measures that undertaken are shown in Appendix 3.
This section presents and discusses the results from the PAH Digitel (solid phase) particulate samplers stations. The discussion focuses on B[a]P as the Fourth Daughter Directive Target Values and UK Air Quality Objective both use B[a]P as the marker for the PAH mixture in ambient air. Some data for other PAHs are also presented however commentary is limited. Data for all PAHs for all stations are made available on the UK-AIR website.
The annual mean B[a]P concentration measured at all the PAH Digitel (solid phase) particulate samplers are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Comparison of annual B[a]P concentrations at all the monitoring stations against EC and UK target values and UK Air Quality Objective.
The data capture results calculated in this analysis is based on the percentage of valid data covering the entire calendar year. All other sites running throughout 2017 had a data capture on average of 99%.
None of the UK PAH Network measurement sites exceeded the EC target value of 1 ng/m3. However 5 sites exceeded the lower and upper assessment threshold (UAT). These were Derry Brandywell, Scunthorpe Low Santon, Scunthorpe Town, Port Talbot Margam and Ballymena Ballykeel.
The more stringent UK Air Quality Objective for PAH (0.25ng/m3 B[a]P) was exceeded at eight sites:
Whilst some of the above sites have specific emission sources such as steel works (Scunthorpe sites and Port Talbot Margam), other urban may have significant solid fuel/wood use contributing to the air concentrations of PAH such as Derry/Londonderry Bandywell, Ballymena Ballykeel and Kilmakee Leisure Centre. The Royston and South Hiendley sites were positioned to measure concentrations around the Coke works in Royston, this closed in December 2014 however levels at Royston continue to be above the UK Air Quality Objective this may be due to solid fuel use in the area or possible re-suspension of previous emissions.
The sites located in Northern Ireland and those around the steel works in Scunthorpe will be discussed in a later section where polar plots are used to present the data.
PAH are expected to show seasonality with the higher concentrations observed during the winter months as a result of domestic and industrial combustion processes usually related with heating during the colder months. Industrial sites would generally be expected to show a less seasonality as any seasonality related to such domestic and industrial combustion process for heating would be masked by the more constant emissions from industrial processes. The monthly concentrations of B[a]P for 2017 grouped by the site characteristics types are shown in Figure 6 - 10.
Figure 6: Monthly average B[a]P concentrations at the Northern Ireland sites and average regional temperatures in 2017.
Monthly variation of B[a]P concentrations in Northern Ireland showed a pronounced seasonal variation with low concentrations in the summer months and higher in winter. The above figure shows that when lower temperatures are observed there is an increase in B[a]P. This supports the understanding that the PAH sites in Northern Ireland are highly influenced by emission from solid fuel usage for domestic heating.
In addition to increased emissions from combustion activities in winter there is also a lower boundary layer depth which contributes to the increased concentrations. The boundary layer (often called the Atmospheric Boundary Layer) is the layer of atmosphere next to the surface of the earth. Within this layer air is very well mixed. If the boundary decreases in height, as is common in winter months this can increase concentrations within the layer.
Figure 7: Monthly average B[a]P concentrations at urban background sites in GB in 2017.
Similar to the Northern Ireland site the urban background sites in Great Britain also generally exhibited seasonal variability resulting from the anticipated solid fuel usage and the lower boundary layer depth. Whilst this isn’t as pronounced as the Northern Ireland sites there is still an observed decrease in concentrations during the summer months. At many urban sites there is also an elevation in concentrations in November. This is thought to be due to emission from Guy Fawkes Night.
Figure 8: Monthly average B[a]P concentrations at rural background sites in GB in 2017.
The rural PAH network sites show much lower concentrations throughout the year than most of the urban and industrial sites. However, there is seasonality observed at the sites. The ‘Guy Fawkes Night effect’ does not appear to be as prominent at the rural locations where PAH are measured. The most rural site in the PAH network is thought to be Auchencorth Moss (red line), it is not thought that this site is influenced significantly by any local sources or by industry and would be the best site to represent the PAH concentration of regional background. The other rural sites whilst considered as rural they have local influences particularly the sites of Chilbolton and Stoke Ferry which both have small villages that could potentially contribute to PAH concentrations particularly during the winter months.
Figure 9: Monthly average B[a]P concentrations at operating industrial sites and those that are now closed in 2017.
These monitoring sites are likely to be influenced by the nearby industrial activities, which are relatively invariant throughout the year. Therefore seasonality is less pronounced. The sites that do have some apparent seasonality are the sites where the local PAH sources have closed. These are Lynemouth, Middlesbrough, South Hiendley and Royston. The sites that are still influenced by industry are Port Talbot Margam, Scunthorpe Town and Scunthorpe Low Santon show limited seasonality as any seasonal sources that may be present such as for domestic heating are masked by the more consistent and dominating industrial emissions at these locations. Industrial sources are more likely to deviate from the usual seasonal patterns seen with PAH concentrations as relatively high concentrations are observed during non-winter months as well as the winter months.
Figure 10: Monthly average B[a]P concentrations at the urban traffic site in GB in 2017.
Marylebone road is the only urban traffic site that measures PAH and is a site that has significant traffic flow. There is a clear seasonality observed at the site and the magnitude of B[a]P measured at Marylebone road is comparable to that measured at other urban background sites in Great Britain. This could indicate that the concentrations of B[a]P at the site may not dominated by traffic even though the site is a traffic site and could indicate that it is as a result of seasonal emissions relating to domestic and other heating emissions.
As detailed in earlier in this report the section Fourth Daughter Directive also specifies that six other PAHs should be monitored at a limited number of measurement stations. The PAH the directive refers to are benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene. The CEN TC264 WG21 developed Technical Specification for the measurement of these PAHs and benzo[ghi]perylene in the particulate phase. The UK PAH Network measures all of the PAH referred to in the Technical Specification at all stations and since Ricardo Energy & Environment took over the network from the previous contractor, these have been analysed and reported separately. The monthly mean concentration of each of these PAHs measured at the sites are shown in the figures below. On a review of the figures on a visual basis only, these PAH appear to follow similar seasonal trends to those of the ‘marker’ B[a]P, which indicates that the assumptions made in using B[a]P as a marker are well founded. In addition to this relatively un-statistical approach of reviewing the suitability of B[a]P as a marker for PAH, a correlation assessment has been conducted for all the PAHs against B[a]P. A visual representation of this is shown in Figure 18.
Figure 11: Monthly mean benz[a]anthracene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 12: Monthly mean benz[a]anthracene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 13: Monthly mean benzo[j]fluoranthene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 14: Monthly mean benzo[k]fluoranthene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 15: Monthly mean indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 16: Monthly mean dibenz[a,h]anthracene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Figure 17: Monthly mean benzo[ghi]perylene concentrations at the UK PAH sites.
Whilst this report concentrates on the measurements of B[a]P which is only one PAH measured in the PAH network it is important to demonstrate that this and the approach of the UK and EU to set objectives and target values for B[a]P is sensible. To investigate if B[a]P can be considered as a ‘marker’ for other PAHs, correlations between B[a]P and other PAHs at each site based on monthly average concentration from all Digitel sampler data available from 2007 to 2017 at each of the sites. This assessment is shown visually in Figure 18. The larger darker red circles indicate high correlation whereas small blue circles indicate a negative correlation of the PAH with B[a]P.
Figure 18: Correlation between monthly average B[a]P and other PAHs concentrations at each monitoring site since the network was established (see Appendix 1 for key to abbreviations).
Correlations between B[a]P and some other PAHs (from benzo[j]flouranthene to benzo[k]fluoranthene) were consistently high across all monitoring sites. This group of PAH includes the PAH that must be analysed as a minimum within the PAH network according to the Fourth Daughter Directive (benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene). This confirms that over the 10+ years of PAH measurement using the Digitel samplers Benzo[a]pyrene is considered representative of the mixture of the PAH that the Fourth Daughter Directive requires.
At some locations, such as Kilmakee Leisure Centre and Lynemouth 2, B[a]P correlated well with more other PAHs than at others sites. Some PAHs, such as 5-Methyl Chrysene, Dibenz[al]pyrene and dibenzo[ah]pyrene typically have no correlation with B[a]P at most monitoring sites.
The measured fortnightly or monthly Benzo[a]pyrene concentrations measured in deposition at the Auchencorth Moss and Chilbolton sites are displayed in Appendix 2. The levels of PAH at these rural sites in the UK are very low and as reported in the previous annual report (NPL, 2016). The levels found are often below or very close to detection limits, which makes any interpretation of the data difficult. Other PAH analysed are also regularly below detection limits. The monitoring conducted at the sites does however enable the UK to meet its obligations under the Forth Daughter Directive. All deposition data is available on the UK-AIR website.
Figure 19 - 23 show the annual mean B[a]P concentrations measured at Digitel (solid phase) PAH Network stations since 2007 split by site type or location.
Figure 19: Annual average B[a]P concentrations at the Northern Ireland Network sites from 2007 to 2017.
Figure 19 shows that whilst there is a clear downward trend in B[a]P concentrations at the Ballymena Ballykeel site over the last 10 years the same trend is not apparent at the Derry Brandywell or Lisburn Kilmakee Leisure Centre sites which appear to have limited observable trend.
Figure 20: Annual average B[a]P concentrations at the Urban sites in Great Britain from 2007 to 2017.
There appears to be a general decreasing trend at most urban background sites in Great Britain however the trends seen are not very significant. Whilst concentrations of B[a]P at the PAH network sites do have shown a general increase at most sites from 2007 to 2010 there appear to be a general decrease since 2010.
Figure 21: Annual average B[a]P concentrations at the Rural sites in Great Britain from 2007 to 2017.
The rural background sites appear to show no significant trend in B[a]P concentration over the full period of measurement. However since 2008 there does however appear to be a decreasing trend at the High Muffles (light blue) and Hazelrigg (green) sites.
Figure 22: Annual mean B[a]P concentrations at operating industrial sites and those that are now closed from 2007 to 2017.
The Scunthorpe sites (Low Santon and Town) and Port Talbot site currently have operational industrial sources (steel works) located near them. The Scunthorpe sites appear to show a decreasing concentrations however they vary significantly from year to year. The large reduction seen in 2016 at the sites is likely to be due to the closure of one of the coke ovens at the site and a reduced operation through 2016. In 2017 there is a further reduction in the concentrations observed at the sites reducing from just above the EU Target value of 1 ng/m3 in 2016 to being just above 0.8 ng/m3 in 2017 at both Scunthorpe sites.
Only Port Talbot site (Port Talbot Margam) doesn’t show any obvious trend in B[a]P concentration over the past 10 years. The concentrations observed at the site are lower than those seen at the Sculthorpe sites. In 2017 the annual average concentration of B[a]P was 0.65 ng/m3 which is lower than recorded in 2016 which was 0.94 ng/m3. These are both below the EU Target value for B[a]P of 1 ng/m3 but well above the UK Air Quality Objective (0.25 ng/m3).
As might be expected the sites that have experienced reduction in emissions due to the closure of the industrial sources they were measuring show reducing trends in B[a]P concentrations. The sites that appear to show reducing trend are listed below with the likely industrial process that contributed to the decrease in concentrations. Details of the relevant industrial site closures are shown below:
Figure 23: Annual average B[a]P concentrations at the London Marylebone Road site from 2007 to 2017.
The London Marylebone road PAH Monitoring site shows a steady decreasing trend since installation and levels have been below the UK Air Quality Objective for PAH (0.25 ng/m3 B[a]P) since 2008.
To summarise the long-term each at each monitoring site, the slope of the trend for each site was calculated using TheilSen
function in the openair
R package (Figure 24). A positive slope means that there is an increasing trend of B[a]P annual mean and a negative slope means a decreasing trend. The slope of each site’s B[a]P concentration over time was also calculated with its 95% confidence interval, which indicates the uncertainty of the slope coefficient. If the uncertainty of the slope covers zero, it suggests that no significant trend can be concluded. Figure 24 shows separately the sites that had a significant trend and the sites that did not.
Figure 24: B[a]P concentration trend (ng m-3 yr-1) from 2008 to 2017.
The trend calculated from many of the monitoring sites did not show a significant decreasing or increasing trend. It was either because there was very little change in the annual concentrations (i.e. a slope was not significantly different from zero) or there were large variations between years but not in a consistent direction (as indicated by the large confidence intervals (red bars) at the two Scunthorpe sites). For all the sites where a significant trend was observed, they generally showed a very small decreasing trend and the sites showing large decreasing trend (South Hiendley, Royston and Ballymena Ballykeel) were associated with larger uncertainties but all appear to have a significant decreasing trend in B[a]P concentrations.
Concentrations of B[a]P at the two Scunthorpe sites and Northern Ireland from 2007 to 2017 were further investigated with respect to other meteorological variables including wind speed/direction and temperature. Bivariate polar plots (Figure 25 - 28) show the variation of B[a]P concentration under different combinations of wind speed (or temperature) and wind direction. Since the meteorological data are hourly average and the B[a]P are monthly average data, monthly B[a]P concentrations were matched to hourly interval using the corresponding concentration for each month. Whilst this is not the ideal method to link the pollution data with meteorological data, this approach enables an assessment using polar plots with a monthly data series.
Figure 25: Polar plot of wind speed and direction at two Scunthorpe sites.
The polar plots in Figure 25 show the variation of B[a]P concentration under different combinations of wind speed and wind direction therefore these plots can be used to deduce which direction a potentially dominant sources of B[a]P is located.
Scunthorpe Town site is roughly upwind of the emission sources at the steel works, the blue drop marker represents the approximate location of the coke oven that continue to operate at the site and the red drop marker shows the location of the Dawes Lane coke oven reportedly closed in March 2016. As expected high concentrations are observed at the Scunthorpe Town site when air is coming from the north east wind direction.
The polar plot for Scunthorpe Low Santon reveals high concentration from many directions particularly at high wind speed from many directions. However high concentrations are observed when the wind direction is from the west which is the approximate location of the coke ovens at the steel plant and also another potential source in the locality. This potential source is an aggregate processing plant where blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace slag is combined with bitumen and other additives to create asphalt.
The Scunthorpe Low Santon plot apeears slightly anomalous with high concentrations from areas which are not considered likely source areas. This might be due to the method of assigning a constant B[a]P concentration throughout a month over-represented high concentration for a particular wind speed/direction sector. Or alternatively it could potentially be due to the site location influencing the airflow between the local sources and the monitoring site with the site located in a dip between the steel works and Santon.
Figure 26: Polar plot of temperature and wind direction at two Scunthorpe sites.
The polar plots shown in Figure 26 show the variation of concentration under different combinations of air temperature and wind direction therefore these plots can be used to deduce whether there is a relationship of a pollutant with temperature and wind direction.
The polar plot showing concentration of B[a]P with temperature and wind direction does not show any significant pattern with respect to the temperature and wind direction at the Scunthorpe sites which would be expected as emissions from an industrial process such as a steel works would not be expected to be temperature dependent. This provides confirmation that the major emission source contributing to the concentrations measured at these site are the coke ovens and not a temperature related source such as combustion for domestic or commercial heating.
Figure 27: Polar plot of wind speed and direction at two NI sites.
The polar plots in Figure 27 show the variation of B[a]P concentration under different combinations of wind speed and wind direction therefore these plots can be used to deduce which direction a potential sources of B[a]P is located. Where there is no large industrial sources this can give an indication of the potential locations of smaller sources however due to the monthly averaging of the concentration this can be more uncertain as these smaller sources can be more variable than industrial sources.
The polar plots for Northern Ireland are not as easy to analyse as those of around the steel works in Scunthorpe. Whilst there have been actions taken to reduce solid fuel use in Northern Ireland, there is still substantial solid fuel burning across the country. The three PAH sites in Northern Ireland shown in Figure 27 above enable a review of the potential location of solid fuel use. It should be noted that the polar plots use monthly B[a]P concentrations from 2007 to 2017. Whilst there are likely changes in source areas over the years as a result of any action that takes place locally to reduce particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and subsequently PAH concentrations, the plots show that the areas where sources may dominate for the 2007-2017 period as a whole. It should be noted that this assessment used monthly B[a]P concentrations matched to hourly interval so this adds to the uncertainty of the assessment.
Derry/Londonderry Brandywell’s polar plot appears to indicate that the concentrations of PAH are being measured when the wind direction is coming from the east. This would indicate that urban areas to the east of the sampling site may have higher solid fuel use than that to the west of the sampling site.
The polar assessment at the Ballymena Ballykeel site appears to show a number of potential areas of PAH emissions. These appear to be between the north and the west of the sampling site. The sampling site is to the east of the Ballymena so could indicate that the emissions are from Ballymena or from other areas to the west of Ballymena. The smoke control area information provided by Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) shown on the Figure 27 appear to show that some of the areas in central Ballymena may not be covered by smoke control orders. Without better resolution data it is difficult to assess potential source areas further.
The Kilmakee Leisure Centre polar plot appears to clearly show that the higher concentrations occur when the wind direction is from the south west. When the plot is observed alongside with the smoke control areas to the north-east of the site, it appears to indicate that the concentrations observed are lower when wind is blowing from the north-east.
Figure 28: Polar plot of temperature and wind direction at two NI sites.
The polar plots shown in Figure 28 show the variation of concentration under different combinations of air temperature and wind direction therefore these plots can be used to deduce whether there is a relationship of a pollutant with temperature and wind direction. If a plot shows a centrally located hotspot it would generally indicate that concentrations of a pollutant increased with temperature.
In contrast to the patterns observed at the Scunthorpe sites, B[a]P concentrations in the Northern Ireland show an inverse correlation with temperature, indicating that the source of B[a]P measured is due to the combustion of solid fuel for heating.
Figure 29 below shows the mean seasonal contribution to the annual mean based on data from 2007 to 2017. There is a contrast between the Northern Ireland sites and the Industrial sites at Scunthorpe. In Northern Ireland, due to the seasonal dependence of solid fuel use, about 50% of the annual mean B[a]P concentration was contributed by the winter months (Jan, Feb and Dec), whereas the concentrations at the Scunthorpe sites had similar contribution from all seasons.
Figure 29: Mean contribution to the annual mean from the monthly concentrations from 2007 to 2017.
Due to the seasonal dependence of solid fuel use, more than 50% of the annual mean B[a]P concentration was contributed by the winter months (Jan, Feb and Dec) at the Northern Ireland sites. However in contrast the annual B[a]P concentrations at the Scunthorpe sites had similar contribution from all seasons.
The average data capture of all of the sites that were operational throughout 2017 was 99%. The annual mean Benzo[a]pyrene concentrations observed at the UK networks during 2017 continued to vary greatly between sites. The highest annual mean was observed at the Derry/Londonderry Brandywell site with an annual mean B[a]P concentration of 0.87 ng/m3 and the lowest concentration measured at the Auchencorth Moss site 0.01 ng/m3.
In 2017 the EC target value for B[a]P (annual mean concentration of 1 ng/m3) was not exceeded at any of the 32 sites in 2017.
In 2017 eight sites exceeded the UK Air Quality Objective for B[a]P (annual mean concentration of 0.25 ng/m3). These were Derry/Londonderry Brandywell, Scunthorpe Low Santon, Scunthorpe Town, Port Talbot Margam, Ballymena Ballykeel, Royston, Kilmakee Leisure Centre, Swansea Cwm Level Park.
The levels of B[a]P have been seen to be decreasing at sites where industrial sources have ceased operating and also at a number of the urban sites most prominent at Ballymena Ballykeel.
BSI, 2014. BS EN 12341:2014 Ambient air. Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM10 or PM2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter.
BSI, 2011. BS EN 15980:2011 Air quality. Determination of the deposition of benz[a]Anthracene, benzo[b]Fluoranthene, benzo[j]Fluoranthene, benzo[k]Fluoranthene, benzo[a]Pyrene, dibenz[a,h]Anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]Pyrene.
BSI, 2008. Air quality. Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of benzo(a)Pyrene in ambient air. BS EN 15549:2008.
Defra, 2007. The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Volume 1). URL (accessed 2-June-2017).
EC, 2005. Directive 2004/107/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air. URL\&from=EN (accessed 26-July-2017).
EC, 2001. Ambient air pollution by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). Position Paper. URL (accessed 26-July-2017).
EC, 1996. Council Directive 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality assessment and management. URL\&from=EN (accessed 26-July-2017).
NPL, 2016. Annual report for 2015 on the UK PAH Monitoring and Analysis Network (No. NPL REPORT ENV 10). URL (accessed 28-July-2017).
OSPAR, 2017. The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic.
UNECE, 1979. 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution.
WHO, 2010. Some non-heterocyclic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and some related exposures. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon. URL
PAH name | Abbreviation |
5-Methyl Chrysene | 5MeCh_p |
Anthanthrene | Anthne_p |
Benzo[a]Anthracene | Beanth_p |
Benzo[a]Pyrene | Beapyr_p |
Benzo[b]fluoranthene | Benbfl_p |
Benzo[j]fluoranthene | Benjfl_p |
Benzo[b]naptho[2,1-d]thiophene | Bebnap_p |
Benzo[c]phenanthrene | Becpan_p |
Benzo[e]pyrene | Beepyr_p |
Benzo[ghi]Perylene | Beghip_p |
Benzo[k]fluoranthene | Bekflu_p |
Cholanthrene | Cholth_p |
Chrysene | Chryne_p |
Coronene | Corone_p |
Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene | Cycdpy_p |
Dibenzo[a,c]anthracene | Diacan_p |
Dibenzo [ae] pyrene | Diaepy_p |
Dibenzo[ah]Anthracene | Diahan_p |
Dibenzo [ah] pyrene | Diahpy_p |
Dibenzo [ai] pyrene | Diaipy_p |
Dibenzo [al] pyrene | Dialpy_p |
Indeno[123-cd]Pyrene | In123p_p |
Perylene | Peryne_p |
Station name | Start date/time | End date/time | Measurement (ng/m2/day) |
Auchencorth Moss | 21/12/2016 | 04/01/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 04/01/2017 | 18/01/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 18/01/2017 | 01/02/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 01/02/2017 | 15/02/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 15/02/2017 | 01/03/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 01/03/2017 | 15/03/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 15/03/2017 | 29/03/2017 | <190 |
Auchencorth Moss | 29/03/2017 | 26/04/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 26/04/2017 | 24/05/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 24/05/2017 | 21/06/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 21/06/2017 | 19/07/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 19/07/2017 | 16/08/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 16/08/2017 | 23/09/2017 | <70 |
Auchencorth Moss | 23/09/2017 | 11/10/2017 | <145 |
Auchencorth Moss | 11/10/2017 | 08/11/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 08/11/2017 | 06/12/2017 | <95 |
Auchencorth Moss | 06/12/2017 | 03/01/2018 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 21/12/2016 | 04/01/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 04/01/2017 | 18/01/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 18/01/2017 | 01/02/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 01/02/2017 | 15/02/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 15/02/2017 | 01/03/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 01/03/2017 | 15/03/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 15/03/2017 | 29/03/2017 | <190 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 29/03/2017 | 26/04/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 26/04/2017 | 24/05/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 24/05/2017 | 21/06/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 21/06/2017 | 19/07/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 19/07/2017 | 16/08/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 16/08/2017 | 13/09/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 13/09/2017 | 11/10/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 11/10/2017 | 08/11/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 08/11/2017 | 06/12/2017 | <95 |
Chilbolton Observatory | 06/12/2017 | 03/01/2018 | <95 |
Deposition samples | Particulate samples | |||
PAH | Analysed | Typical LOD+ ng/m2/day | Analysed | Typical LOD+ ng/m3 |
5-Methyl Chrysene | Yes | 285 | Yes | 0.0046 |
9-Methyl anthracene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Acenaphthene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(a)Pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(b)fluoranthene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(b)naphtho(2,1-d)thiophene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(c)phenanthrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(e)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(ghi)Perylene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(j)fluoranthene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Benzo(k)fluoranthene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Cholanthrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Chrysene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Coronene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Cyclopenta(c,d)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(ae)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(ah)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(ai)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(al)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(ac)anthracene* | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Dibenzo(ah)Anthracene* | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Perylene | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
2-Methyl naphthalene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
2-Methyl phenanthrene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
4.5-Methylene phenanthrene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Acenaphthylene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Anthanthrene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Anthracene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Benzo(a)Anthracene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene* | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Biphenyl | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Dibenzo(ah+ac)anthracene* | Yes | 190 | Yes | 0.0046 |
Fluoranthene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Fluorene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Naphthalene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Phenanthrene | Yes | 285 | No | - |
Pyrene | Yes | 190 | No | - |
Retene | Yes | 285 | No | - |
Concept Life Sciences (previously known as Scientific Analysis Laboratories) are the chosen analytical laboratory for the UK PAH network since Ricardo Energy & Environment took on the network from the previous contractors. Concept Life Sciences are a UKAS accredited laboratory for the analysis of PAH in the samples from the PAH network. The procedure used to measure PAH in ambient air sampled on filters and deposition samples is Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The performance of this method is validated in accordance with internationally recognised procedures and meet the requirement for PAH analysis detailed in the standards for the measurement of PAH in ambient air and deposition (EN15549:2008 and EN15980:2011 respectively). PAH and typical detection limits for the analysis in the PAH network are presented in Table A3 above.
Ambient air, sampled on to glass fibre filters, are bulked into monthly batches with a specific portion extracted in dichloromethane with the use of ultra-sonication. The dichloromethane is then reduced to circa 1 ml prior to analysis by GC/MS in selected ion monitoring mode (SIM).
Deposition samples are initially filtered to separate any particulate content from the aqueous phase. The filters are then extracted in dichloromethane with the use of ultra- sonication, while the aqueous phase is liquid/liquid extracted with dichloromethane. The organic fractions are then combined, reduced to circa 1 ml and analysed by GC/MS in Selected ion monitoring mode (SIM).
In addition to the Performance Expectations of a UKAS accredited analytical laboratory the following analytical quality control measures are undertaken to maintain analytical quality:
Name | Christopher Conolly |
Address | Ricardo Energy & Environment, Gemini Building, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0QR, United Kingdom |
Telephone | 01235 753375 | |