
Part A
Part A provides advice specific to the LSO role, supporting how the role is to be carried out along with a brief overview of how the AURN works.

Part B
Part B contains all the work guidance: there is a separate section for every monitoring instrument within the AURN, and these sections provide a step by step guide on how to carry out calibration procedures.

Part C
This annex contains working instructions for gravimetric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) monitoring instruments which are only used at a small number of sites, including sites used for ongoing PM equivalence trials.

Essential Background Reading
An Essential Background Reading document has also been provided, which supports Part A and provides more in-depth information on the AURN as a whole. It is important that new LSO's read this document prior to commencing work on the AURN.

There are also several Appendices, which have been put together in a separate document.

Calibration Sheets
New Calibration sheet - General Instructions
Calibration spreadsheet v1.23

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