Costs and benefits for the UK of Complying with the EC National Emissions Ceilings and Ozone Directive and the UNECE multi-pollutant, multi-effect protocol
AEAT/R/ENV/0035 April 2000
A report produced for The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, The Welsh Office, The Scottish Office and The Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland


AEA Technology

Deborah Buckley-Golder

Justin Goodwin

Neil Passant

Tony Bush

Dan Forster

Mike Holland

Katie King

Charles Walker

Project manager

Emissions inventory

Analysis of the costs of abatement for SO2, NOx and VOCs

Article 5 Assessment

Quantification of the benefits of pollution abatement

Imperial College

Helen ApSimon

David Cowell

Rachel Warren

ASAM, RAINS modelling

Description of exposure to secondary particulates

Analysis of abatement costs for ammonia

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology

Keith Bull

Jane Hall

Jackie Ullyett

Critical loads analysis

Meteorological Office

Dick Derwent

HARM, ELMO modelling

University of Edinburgh

Sarah Metcalfe

HARM, ELMO modelling

University of Lancaster

Duncan Whyatt

HARM, ELMO modelling

Report prepared by the National Environmental Technology Centre, part of AEA Technology, on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

Site prepared by Jeff Lampert AEA Technology Environment E5 Culham Abingdon OX14 3ED Telephone +44 (0)1235 463128 Facsimile +44 (0)1235 463011. AEA Technology is the trading name of AEA Technology plc. AEA Technology is certificated to BS EN ISO9001:(1994)