Current and forecast pollutant concentrations

Ceefax (page 410-417) and Teletext (page 106)
World Wide Web:
Air Pollution Information and the Air Pollution archive can be accessed via the DETR home page
Or The National Air Quality Archive

This is also available on CD-ROM
Freephone Air Pollution Information Service
0800 556677

Reported Data

DETR Reports produced for Government by AEA Technology
Air Pollution in the UK: 1997
Smoke and Sulphur Dioxide Monitoring Networks Summary Tables for
                                                                   April 1997 - March 1998

UK Nitrogen Dioxide Survey 1996
Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions' statistics:
Digest of Environmental Statistics No. 19 1997 (The Stationery Office)

The Department of the Environment, Transport
and the Regions
Zone F15, 4th Floor
Air and Environment Quality Division
Ashdown House
123 Victoria St
London SW1E 6DE
The Environment and Heritage Service
Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland
Air and Environmental Quality Unit
Calvert House
23 Castle Place
Belfast BT1 1FY
Andrew Powell-Chandler
Environment Division
The Welsh Office/ National Assembly for Wales
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF1 3NQ
The Scottish Office
Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department
Environment Group
1-H Victoria Quay
Edinburgh EH6 6QQ


Site prepared by the National Environmental Technology Centre, part of AEA Technology, on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions