Standards and Guidelines

Figure 5 Summary of standards and objectives of the UK National Air Quality Strategy

Pollutant Standard Objective - to be achieved by 2005 Proposals for the amendments to the NAQS objectives
Concentration Measured as
Benzene 5 ppb running annual mean 5 ppb 5 ppb by end 2003, indicative level of 1ppb by end 2005
1,3-butadiene 1 ppb running annual mean 1 ppb 1ppb by end 2003
Carbon monoxide 10 ppm running 8-hour mean 10 ppm 10 ppm by end 2003
Lead 0.5 mg/m3 annual mean 0.5 mg/m3 0.5 mg/m3 by end 2004 0.25 mg/m3 by end 2008
Nitrogen dioxide 150 ppb 21 ppb 1 hour mean annual mean 150 ppb 21 ppb 104.6 ppb by end 2005 (max. 18 exceedences) 21 ppb retained as provisional objective for end 2005 New annual national objective of 15.7 ppb end 2000
Ozone 50 ppb running 8-hour mean 50 ppb, measured as 97th percentile 50 ppb retained as indicative level for end 2005
Particles (PM10) 50 mg/m3 running 24-hour mean 50 mg/m3 measured as 99th percentile New annual objective of 40 mg/m3 and 24 hr objective of 50 mg/m3 (max 35 exceedences) for end 2004 50 mg/m3 as 99th percentile of daily max running 24 hr means to be retained as indicative level for end 2005
New indicative annual level of 20
mg/m3 and 24hr level of 50 mg/m3 (max 7 exceedences) for end 2009
Sulphur dioxide 100 ppb 15 minute mean 100 ppb, measured as 99.9th percentile 100ppb as 99th percentile of 15min means adopted as firm objective for end 2005
New 1hr objective of 131 ppb (max 24 exceedences) and 24 hr objective of 48.6ppb (max 3 exceedences) by end 2004
New national annual and winter objectives, for the protection of eco-systems, of 7ppb for end 2000
ppm = parts per million; ppb = parts per billion; mg/m3 = microgrammes per cubic metre
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Site prepared by the National Environmental Technology Centre, part of AEA Technology, on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions