Appendix 4
Analysis using HARM and ELMO
The models
HARM and ELMO share a similar basic structure; both are Lagrangian statistical models, which show the changing chemistry of a parcel of air as it moves through time towards a designated set of receptor sites. The air parcels follow a series of 72 straight-line trajectories towards each receptor and the final concentrations (in air and rain) at the sites are calculated by applying a weighting from a wind rose. Both models employ a highly simplified meteorology assuming constant wind speed and boundary layer height, a single wind rose and washout parameterised for constant drizzle. The meteorological values in HARM are set to represent annual average conditions, whilst those in ELMO represent a late summer afternoon when conditions for ozone production are most favourable. The spatial resolution of the emissions data used in both HARM and ELMO is 50 x 50 km over the EMEP area and 10 km x 10 km over the UK. Species dependent deposition velocities are used to generate dry deposition, using single values across the EMEP area and land use dependent values for the UK. Some of the features of the two models are set out in Table A4.1 below.
Table A4.1 Selected features of HARM and ELMO
Boundary layer height |
800 m |
1400 m |
Wind speed |
10.4 m s-1 |
3.6 m s-1 |
Wind rose |
National annual average (Jones, 1981) |
Derived from Heathrow Airport for hours where O3 > 50 ppb |
Emissions |
SO2, NOx, NH3 HCl |
SO2, NOx, NH3, HCl, CO, NMVOCs and DMS |
Values at edge of model domain |
All set to zero except O3 set at 30 ppb |
NO, NO2, CO, CH4 and O3 set to estimated global background for 1990, all other species set to zero |
HARM has been used extensively to estimate the concentration and deposition of potentially acidifying compounds of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) and hydrogen chloride. Full descriptions of the model, its parameters and its validation against data from the UKs monitoring networks are available in the peer-reviewed scientific literature (Metcalfe et al, 1995; Metcalfe et al, 1998). HARM was also one of the models included in an intermodel comparison carried out by the UK Review Group on Acid Rain (RGAR) where it was shown to be at least as good as any other model in use in the UK (RGAR, 1997). In this exercise HARM11.5 has been used to model estimates of
One significant difference between HARM11.5 and previous versions of the model is its representation of the dry deposition of NH3 which is now based on a fraction of emission being deposited directly in the emitting square (an alpha factor). There are individual values for each 10 km grid and these were supplied by Mark Sutton of ITE Bush.
Input data
The emissions used in the scenarios run using HARM and ELMO are given in Table A4.2. These differ slightly from the emissions shown in Table 1 of the main report, as offshore emissions are not included in HARM and ELMO.
Data for the EMEP area were taken from the 6th and 7th IIASA Interim Reports and from the UNECE TFIAM 23rd Meeting March 1999. David Simpson (IVL, Sweden) supplied isoprene emissions over the EMEP area. The emission totals in the model do not correspond exactly with those listed in the reports as the model includes emissions from additional sources such as shipping and sea areas and other countries represented in the EMEP emission inventories but not listed in the IIASA tables. The only future estimate of CO emissions over the EMEP area is based on current reduction plans (EMEP/MSC-W Report 1/98). For the UK, spatially disaggregated emissions inventories were prepared by AEA Technology (Justin Goodwin) for SO2, NOx, HCl, NMVOCs and CO. Future emissions of NH3 were derived by scaling 1996 emissions supplied by ITE Bush (Mark Sutton).
Table A4.2. Emissions totals used in HARM and ELMO scenarios
HARM scenarios (in k tonnes) |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Scenario |
UK |
  |   |   |
SO2 |
NOx |
NH3 |
HCl |
SO2 |
NOx |
NH3 |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
1990 |
3754 |
2800 |
329 |
375 |
37946 |
22556 |
7608 |
765 |
1107 |
319 |
38 |
18872 |
16239 |
6870 |
H1 |
477 |
1063 |
290 |
15 |
18238 |
15568 |
6615 |
J1 |
479 |
1063 |
290 |
15 |
15290 |
14810 |
6071 |
  |   |   |
ELMO scenarios (in k tonnes) as above with the addition of: |
  |   |
Scenario |
UK |
  |   |   |
CO |
Isoprene |
CO |
Isoprene |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
1995 |
2050 |
5424 |
80 |
16966 |
67607 |
3786 |
1385 |
2872 |
80 |
13603 |
80480 |
3786 |
H1 |
1080 |
2872 |
80 |
12859 |
80480 |
3786 |
J1 |
1179 |
2872 |
80 |
11676 |
80480 |
HARM modelled depositions of S, oxidised and reduced N were supplied to ITE Monks-Wood in grid format to generate maps of critical loads exceedence and to AEA Technology. The spatial changes in depositions of total (wet + dry) S, oxidised N and reduced N are illustrated for some of the scenarios in Figures A4.1 to A4.3 respectively. Data for 1990 are included for comparative purposes. The changing depositions under all the scenarios are summarised in budget terms in Table A4.3.
Table A4.3. HARM modelled deposition budgets in k tonnes.
Scenario |
wet S |
dry S |
tot S |
wet N |
dry N |
tot N |
wet NH-N |
dry NH-N |
tot NH-N |
1990 |
215.6 |
178.3 |
393.9 |
119.7 |
69.3 |
189.0 |
85.4 |
53.1 |
138.5 |
68.4 |
47.4 |
115.8 |
75.1 |
28.1 |
103.2 |
48.4 |
52.8 |
101.2 |
H1 |
55.5 |
35.5 |
91.0 |
68.9 |
25.5 |
94.4 |
42.3 |
49.1 |
91.4 |
J1 |
51.2 |
33.8 |
85.0 |
68.2 |
25.2 |
93.4 |
40.7 |
48.8 |
The contribution of UK deposition from UK sources is of particular policy relevance and in Table A4.4 this contribution is summarised in percentage terms. There is a sharp contrast between reduced N and the other pollutants. The % of UK to UK deposition for NH-N remains high and static, reflecting its much shorter average transport distance (except in the aerosol phase).
Table A4.4. Modelled UK to UK contribution of deposition as %
Scenario |
tot S |
tot N |
totNH-N |
1990 |
64 |
58 |
70 |
42 |
43 |
78 |
H1 |
35 |
45 |
78 |
J1 |
37 |
45 |
One of the major changes as a result of emissions reduction policies is in the source of acidity. This is illustrated in Figure A4.4. In the past, the majority of deposited H+ was provided by S deposition, but in the future the main source will be N. Apart from some areas of north west Scotland, N>S as a source of H+ in all areas except those near major coal fired power stations (e.g. the lower Ouse and Trent valleys).
HARM modelled concentrations of secondary aerosols (PM10) are shown in Figure A4.5. There is a clear south east north west gradient in all cases. Reducing emissions beyond UKREF brings clear benefits to the south east of England.
ELMO output was supplied to AEA Technology and to Imperial College; some of this output is described below. The basic model output is peak ozone concentration in ppb (Figure A4.6). Modelled 1995 values are shown for reference. A comparison with mapped data from the monitoring networks is not straightforward due to the common use of means and a variety of correction factors (PORG, 1997). A comparison with site measurements is easier (see above). As well as being a key oxidant in the troposphere, it is recognised that high concentrations of O3 can be damaging to vegetation (especially crops), materials and to human health. There are a variety of damage thresholds set for these different receptors (PORG, 1997; DoE, 1997). These include an AOT40 index for critical levels for vegetation and WHO and EPAQS standards for health. AOT40 represents accumulated exposure to concentrations > 40 ppb. The EPAQS standard is set at 50 ppb as a running 8 hour mean and the WHO standard is based on AOT60. ELMO can be used to estimate O3 concentrations relative to these standards. Modelled EPAQS exceedences are shown in Figure A4.7 and modelled AOT40 (hours above the threshold) in Figure A4.8. The benefits of reductions in emissions beyond the UKREF scenario are clear in both these cases.
Figure A4.1 HARM modelled S deposition.
Figure A4.2 HARM modelled oxidised N deposition.
Figure A4.4 HARM modelled sulphur vs. total nitrogen deposition.