9 References

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DETR (2000b). Transport 2010: The Background Analysis. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. July 2000. www.detr.gov.uk/trans2010/index.htm

DETR et al (2000) Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, The Scottish Executive, The National Assembly for Wales and The Department of the Environment Northern Ireland. The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. January 2000. www.environment.detr.gov.uk/airquality/index.htm

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Goodwin, J. W. L., Salway, A. G., Murrells, T. P., Dore C. J. and Eggleston, H. S. (1999) UK Emissions of Air Pollutants 1970-1997. National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, AEA Technology, National Environmental Technology Centre. Report AEAT-EEQC/0015. www.aeat.co.uk/netcen/airqual/reports/home.html

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Stedman JR, Bush T and King K (1998). An empirical model for estimating roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK. AEA Technology Environment, National Environmental Technology Centre. Report AEAT-4291. www.aeat.co.uk/netcen/airqual/reports/home.html

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Chapter 8           Appendix 1

Report and site prepared by the National Environmental Technology Centre, part of AEA Technology, on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions